OK. No pictures for this post. I thought maybe I should let you know some of the things that are not so glamorous about this island. Let's start with me trying to make Mark chocolate chip cookies and opening the bag of flour to find that there are little brown bugs burying themselves like little sand crabs in the flour. It was slightly disturbing considering that we had just used that flour yesterday. I guess I will just have to chalk that one up to protein intake! {side note- CHOCOLATE CHIPS!!!! so exciting, you don't get those around here...they were a treat!}
Centipedes. They are in season or what my friend Margo would say,"those things must be in heat! they are everywhere!" Now I don't know much about the mating rituals of centipedes but I am almost positive they do not go into heat. However they are EVERYWHERE. why is this such a problem you ask??? They bite and they hurt like, well, kids might read this so I will leave the descriptive language out, let's just say they hurt. Depending on the size of the centipede, the area where they bit you can go numb for a few hours. The scariest part, as if that isn't scary enough, if you are allergic to them it gets worse, much worse. It's like a war zone walking down the street at night, those suckers are FAST!
As for the Rotten Eggs... I went on a shopping trip with some of the spouses today to Roseau. I found out today that I am supposed to be smelling my eggs before I purchase them and if I don't I should check them in a cup of water to see if they float. If they float I am not to break the shell. One of the spouses I was with had a horrible tale about things she found in eggs last week. I really can't say much except, that is just gross.
So the shopping trip is great. We hire a driver to drop us off in front of each store in Roseau and meet us outside in an hour. This allows us to stock up! There are a few grocery stores and they carry American brands in some of them. I got Jiff peanut butter today!!!! That was the highlight of my day. It is amazing how much you really do have everything at your fingertips back home. One of the girls took pictures of us packed in the van with all our stuff. I will post them soon.
Enjoy your bugless flour and your sinking eggs.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Red Rock Haven.... PARADISE!!
RED ROCK.... The view from my chair :)

The girls and I decided to have a girls day since the boys are studying for the last exam. We went last Thursday and spent the day at RedRock. I couldn't have asked for anything more. This place was unbelievable. It is on the Atlantic Ocean side of the island so the water was a bit more rough and had quite the undertow... you have to understand, the Caribbean ocean doesn't have an pull to it at all... very calm. The are huge red rocks (hence the name) all over so you have to be careful when you swim. Off in the distance there are two HUGE rocks that are side by side and have an arch that is half underwater, this is what the locals call the gates of hell. You can swim through the arch but it is too far from the shore.
The trip to RedRock is only about 30 minutes but the roads are so twisty and curvy it can be a bad experience motion sickness wise. Most of us were okay that day due to our trusty Dramamine. When we arrived, we all sat on the beach for a few hours then grabbed lunch at the escape bar. The bar is a restaurant and bar all outside. (this is where we went for Sarah's bday dinner) We had some drinks on the beach and swam and just totally relaxed all day. It really was a great day.
The owners of Red Rock are from the Seattle area. This is a hotel that you can stay in when coming to Dominica. Gina,the owner, showed us around the property. When i saw the two bedroom villa, I realized my house is going to be just like it. I seriously could move there and never leave. You would have to come see me because I really wouldn't leave. The shower has a door and you step down into a hot pool. There is a HUGE patio with hammocks that overlook the ocean and the pool. There is a wade pool that has seats along the edge. Gina is building her website, I can't wait for you to see it!
Here are some pictures.... You have to come see for yourself!!!

Me and Emily

The girls and the girls with Nigel ( our bartender)

The girls and I decided to have a girls day since the boys are studying for the last exam. We went last Thursday and spent the day at RedRock. I couldn't have asked for anything more. This place was unbelievable. It is on the Atlantic Ocean side of the island so the water was a bit more rough and had quite the undertow... you have to understand, the Caribbean ocean doesn't have an pull to it at all... very calm. The are huge red rocks (hence the name) all over so you have to be careful when you swim. Off in the distance there are two HUGE rocks that are side by side and have an arch that is half underwater, this is what the locals call the gates of hell. You can swim through the arch but it is too far from the shore.
The trip to RedRock is only about 30 minutes but the roads are so twisty and curvy it can be a bad experience motion sickness wise. Most of us were okay that day due to our trusty Dramamine. When we arrived, we all sat on the beach for a few hours then grabbed lunch at the escape bar. The bar is a restaurant and bar all outside. (this is where we went for Sarah's bday dinner) We had some drinks on the beach and swam and just totally relaxed all day. It really was a great day.
The owners of Red Rock are from the Seattle area. This is a hotel that you can stay in when coming to Dominica. Gina,the owner, showed us around the property. When i saw the two bedroom villa, I realized my house is going to be just like it. I seriously could move there and never leave. You would have to come see me because I really wouldn't leave. The shower has a door and you step down into a hot pool. There is a HUGE patio with hammocks that overlook the ocean and the pool. There is a wade pool that has seats along the edge. Gina is building her website, I can't wait for you to see it!
Here are some pictures.... You have to come see for yourself!!!
Me and Emily
The girls and the girls with Nigel ( our bartender)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Victoria Falls.
On Tuesday, I went to Victoria Falls with the RSO (Ross spouse organization). This was the first trip in a few weeks due to all the rain on the island. The ride to the start of the hike was much longer than the hike itself. The ride was roughly 2 hours on windy roads in the terrorist van to hike the 45 intense minutes to the Falls. Victoria Falls is not a long hike but a physical one and pretty dangerous if there is lots of rushing water from the mountains. So, the hike literally criss-crossed the same river, some spots were shallow, maybe to my knees and others at least to my waist. We had to climb rocks, which isn't so bad but presents a whole new challenge when you are soaking wet. Your foot just is never steady enough. We had quite a few girls fall into the river- it was humorous- the screaming from the shock but then realizing that you just stand up. When on these hikes you bond with the spouses whether you want to or not... there is nothing like bonding like having to help your fellow spouse up the rocks by grabbing their butt and pushing them up! It was kind of like an adventure course that the bad kids get sent to in high school to learn how to play well with other... not that I went, I just heard :)
I think I may say this often, but this spot may have taken a top place on favorites of the island. Swimming in the water was incredible and to know that the water is rushing from the boiling lake ( the volcano) is even crazier! The groups that you go on these little adventures with are a blessed bunch. There are days that are stressful here but I truly am experiencing things that most people will never get the chance to see. This island is amazing.
Some of the group after crossing the river.
Some photos on hike to the falls...

Victoria Falls... we went swimming in the pool under the falls... it was so great!
The girls at the Falls...
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