Tuesday after I went to Screw's Spa, I went snorkeling with the Spouse's Organization. We went to a spot called Douglas Bay, it wasn't too far from campus and has great reefs and lots of sand dollars. I tried to get a few sand dollars but I kept breaking them when I picked them up. I never realized how fragile they were. So this was my first time out truly snorkeling and I loved it!!! But ever since I went, I kind of get creeped out knowing what's swimming at my feet....
A girl I went with had an underwater camera and took a picture of the craziest fish I have ever seen.... when we swam close to it the fish would spread wing like things in between it's body and flippers ( I know that is what dolphins have but i don't know what the heck to call them, I have never seen a fish with Arms before !!!) At the end of the wings it was bright purple... just crazy. After so research it seems to be a flying ganuard.

I really have enjoyed snorkeling since and have ordered some of my own equipment. I love it so much I am actually going to get my PADI at the end of August. It's my certification for scuba diving.... SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!
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