Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mark's Break

After our interesting trip to Guadeloupe we kept it simple for the rest of Mark's break. We took mason to the beach where she discovered she likes to swim when the island dogs are with her and also that she likes coconuts.

Mason attacking the coconut.

We checked out a restaurant we haven't been to on break as well. It is on the Pagua Bay and creatively enough called Pagua Bay. (so original these people I tell you, would have never thought of it!) They have amazing food and an even better view. Check it out...

The guys don't get to go out much during the semester so we dragged them to Roseau (the capital) to go shopping and for lunch for a day. Most of the time the guys just hung out and did their best at doing nothing. We did make our Friday night rib night at Peter's BBQ. This guy cooks some mean ribs (riblets) and they are only 10EC for a plate (that is $3.60) which is soooo cheap. After ribs one night the four guys that we were with lined up for a picture, I think I should send it to AT&T for the next commercial... (how many bar's do you have?)...

The last trip of the break we went to Red Rock Haven, I have mentioned this wonderful place before. We were not able to go in the water since we has a Tropical Storm coming but watching the waves was pretty incredible. They were coming from all directions and you could see it raining in all around the island. Pretty fun...

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