It has been quite some time since I have taken the time to sign onto the blog. I get caught up in my hectic life here on this island and i am just finding it hard to get to (note sarcasm). Either way, I forget to post the latest happenings so here is my attempt to catch you up.
Mark took his second mini exam on November 2nd. It proved to be a tough one but he is still doing fine. The second semester is going FAST! He had 3 weeks until he is officially done with 2nd semester and we are on our way back to the land of the free and the home of the brave! :)
I have not done nearly as many hikes, actually I think I have only done about 2 this semester. I did so many when I first got here that the hikes being offered are repeaters and I just didn't feel like it quite yet. (It's okay, you can think I am a snot for not wanting to go to these unbelievable places again, I am spoiled with scenery... get over it :) ) I visit the pool and beach a few times a week and sometimes i just take a nap. It's tough here I am telling you, I am not sure many people could handle it. (wink, wink). Let me just put things into perspective... my toughest decision on Thursday afternoon was whether to get a cold coffee or a hot one. I am telling you that is TOUGH here in Dominica... hot weather plus hot coffee = extra sweaty, but the hot coffee is good. Ugh... its tough.
The Friday after the second exam Margo, Kelsey, Jordan and I went to Splash Bash. Let me first explain what this is. You pay 20EC to get your "ticket" which is a white t-shirt that you must wear to enter the party. It is held in a large field with a bar and speakers playing music so loud my ears are still ringing (did I just sound old?). When in the party every 45 mins they throw out plastic water bottles that are filled with water and food coloring (that equals paint in dominica) and you start painting everyone. The party starts at 11:30pm (don't ask apparently painting strangers while drunk is better the later it is). All proceeds go to charity so I felt obligated to drink like I was in college again. It was a good time. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment:

I have attended numerous birthday parites this past month... some pictures on facebook.
Halloween was an interesting event here. Creativity was a must... Margo and I ended up being well, I don't really know... just ghetto.. enjoy.....
More to come...
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