Monday, March 1, 2010

I guess it has been long enough...

It's been 3 months since I last posted! Sorry! Time is flying by right now. Let's catch up...

December- turned out to go VERY fast. We flew home the 21st and stayed until January 7th.
It was a great trip and it was awesome to be home and see everyone. The amount of snow was actually fun to see... but it got really old by the time we left. I can honestly say I do not need to live in the cold weather again. Mark got sick at the end of our trip and ended up getting some "juice" IV'd into his arm at the ER in abington.

January and February F-L-E-W by. I mean seriously... it's march 1st! The last two months have been somewhat busy but not with exctiting stuff. My master's program has been challenging this sememster so it has come with much more work than before. I also started working at a local hotel/bar owned by a dutch couple. This has been interesting! Mark is in his 3rd semester and as of next week half way through it! I got sad the other day thinking about how fast this experience is all going. I have been here 10 months already and we only have 6 left to go. If the last two months are any indication of how fast it is going to go, its going to be a blink of an eye.

I will post a few more times with some things we did the last two months..

1 comment:

  1. Crissy, your pics on facebook are amazing! I would be sad to leave too! Enjoy every second :)
